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27. 2. 2024

Our Journey from Latvia to Chile

Navigating the globe, ensuring your shipment's safety every mile of the way.

Not long ago we received a request for transportation of temperature sensitive shipment (1 pallet) from Latvia to Chile.The package: Medications, requiring chilled +2 °C + 8 °C temperature range.The journey: by TCV from Latvia to Czech Republic, by KLM airlines from Czech Republic to Chile Santiago airport via transfer in Amsterdam.The challenge: To keep a stable temperature in varying conditions: Prague +9/18 °C, Latvia (Riga) +2/8°C, Amsterdam +8/10 °C, and Chile +22/15 °C. To ensure that pallet will be stored in the chilled area in case of delays (KLM moved the departure compared to the booking from AMS to SCL for 24 hours). TO arrange cutoms clearance and departure fro mPrague during Easter public holidays (4 days off).The solution: Pallet thermal shipper was used ( +2/8 °C), with PCM cooling elements. PCM cooling elements have teh ability to hibernate, which helps in long journeys. Sensitech GEO Ultra datalogger.The results: During the whole journey the temperature was monitored by Sensitech GEO Ultra datalogger, and remained stable. Final temperature after the shipment delivery was +5,67 °C. With the help of the innovative Sensitech GEO Ultra datalogger we had real-time temperature, light and location notifications, to prevent and manage risks due to temperature excursions, delays, rerouting.

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