14. 4. 2022
Keeping it cool with one push of a button
Our product catalogue has just become even cooler thanks to NanoCool™ temperature control shippers made by our strategic partner PELI BioThermal. They are easy to use, affordable and reliable. Better hurry and get some while we have it in stock.
NanoCool™ key features
- available in a 2 - 8 degree Celsius temperature range
- cover durations of 48 - 92 hours.
- low profile – ideal for reducing the freight costs and saving warehouse space
- evaporative cooling technology for thermal protection
Easy as 1 – 2 – 3
Working with NanoCool™ shippers is ideal for those unfamiliar with temperature-controlled packaging solutions. Easily portable, NanoCool 2-8°C systems arrive ready to activate and ship. Take a look how to use it:
- Open box, remove cooling engine and place silver foil side down on a flat surface. Push straight down on the activation button.
- Notice the NanoCool logo turning blue between 30 seconds and 3 minutes indicating cooling has begun. Confirm by touching the surface of the cooling engine near the activation button.
- Load product into the payload compartment, replace the cooling engine, close the box and tape shut prior to shipping.
Cool, isn´t it? For more information about NanoCool™ temperature control shippers please contact Tardigrad representative or visit http://www.tardigrad.net/en/products